Tyler Vlad Raunak

Tyler Chudiak

Vladimir Kabanov

Raunak Singh

Faculty advisor: Max Anikovskiy

I’m currently completing a BSc at the University of Calgary majoring in Biology with a minor in Economics. I have a particular interest in human physiology and am striving to pursue a career practicing dentistry. When I’m not working in the lab or studying for exams you can find me on golf course during Calgary’s short lived summers or at the hockey rink during the cooler months of the year.

I’m a 4th year Chemistry Major and Nanoscience Minor student at the University of Calgary. If you were looking for me and couldn`t find me in the lab, it is likely I took off to go to the Rockies and enjoy one of my favourite outdoor activities – hiking, mountain biking or snowshoeing. If the weather outside is not fit, the best place to look for me is in my little home studio practicing with my band or writing music.

I'm currently pursuing a major in chemistry and minor in pure mathematics. I can't say that I have a dream job or career I would like. I'm happy as long as I can support myself and am surrounded by loved ones. I'm an idealist, I hope to change the future not technologically and scientifically, but socially.